Coffee is one among the important
commercial crops in Chikmagalur, Kodagu, Chamarajanar and Hassan districts of
Karnataka. Many coffee growers had been using hazardous agro-chemicals to control
white stem borer, berry borer and leaf rust. White stem borer (WSB) is a big
menace in Arabica coffee, especially with Kaveri, S 795, S 6 and S 9 variety. Arabica coffee mainly
grows in high elevated regions, and it needs 50 to 60% of tree canopy shade.
Arabica know its qualities like acidity, aroma and sweetener.
Bhuvaneswara Bhat, a 55 year old,
small coffee grower from Mudigere taluk explained his innovation to mitigate WSB
on Arabica coffee. Bhat had been doing grafting Arabica coffee on Robusta root
stock and also managing tree canopy with traditional poly-culture systems.
Arabista grafting:
Mr. Bhat developed an Arabista
coffee with Arabica scion on Robusta root stock with grafting
(Arabica scion plant + Robusta root stock =Arabista Coffee). Generally, Robusta
coffee has resistance against white stem borer but need less tree canopy. But
in Arabica coffee need more trees canopy and prone to WSB attack. In the year
2000, Bhat lost entire Robusta coffee yield due adverse climatic and WSB
problems. He doesn’t have alternatives to feed his family, not willing to
replace Robusta coffee, and then decided to go for grafting method. In 2001, he
tried Arabista grafting method with seven coffee plants, and got succeed in his
innovation, and then slowly increased the area of Arabista coffee with grafting
The April-May is the best season
for making Arabista coffee grafting in the main farm. Selection of favourite
scion of Arabica coffee variety and then identified Robusta root stock for
grafting on the same day. Cut the scion material on day of grafting only, not
necessary to cut the scion materials before the grafting like in mango. He is doing soft wood grafting for making
Arabista coffee. In the year 2000, he had 4000 Robusta plants and very few
Arabica, but now only 1000 Robusta and remaining 3000+ are Arabista coffee
plants. In the year 2017, he harvested 25 bags of parchment coffee from
Arabista coffee.
Traditional tree shade
important agronomy practices to mitigate white stem borer in Arabista coffee
production is keeping 50 to 60% multipurpose tree canopy. Bhat, keeping 2-tier good
shade with local trees rather than going for silver oak trees, there are very
few silver oak trees in his farm but more emphasis on traditional tree species
such as Ficus glomerata
(Atti), Microcarpa fraxinifolius
(Havalige), Jack fruit, Erythrina Indica,
Rose wood, Legostromia lanceota
(Nandhi), Fish tail palm (Bagani), Terminalia
tomentosa (Matti), Terminalia
bellarica (Taare), Sapandus
emirgintus (Soap nut) and Acrocarpus
fraxinifolius (Balanji)
In the lower canopy he
maintains Erythrina spp and rest trees managing at upper canopy. Atti, Basuriand
Havalige are the best shade tree species for coffee production. These two trees
sheds the leaves in the month of June-August and new leaves during summer
season, this will regulate the coffee leaf rust in rain season and best shade
canopy at summer season, and also attracts lots of birds during fruiting and
flowering season.
Moreover, Bhat explained the
co-existence of avian and other bio-diversities, this indirectly supports the
coffee production sustainably and also mitigate white stem borer economically.
The regular pruning of trees is very much needed and does it accordingly with
climatic situations especially moisture and temperature.
EDE consulting service is a non-profit
company working with small and marginal coffee farmers across globe to promote
sustainable production technologies and also enabling coffee farmers to work on
collective marketing. The EDE consulting service collected Arabista coffee for
cup testing, reports says there is no qualities of Robusta coffee like harsh,
bitter, astringent; it has only Arabica coffee qualities like acidity, aroma
and sweetener.
Research institutions and other
concern departments should do further validation and field level research on
Arabista coffee on quality and others parameters, but MAS Company is now
propagating this unique innovation to mitigate climate change challenge for its
Box item: 1
The MAS Sustainable Coffee Producer Company Limited (in short, MAS
Company) discussing with members on understanding implications of climate
change on coffee production; they pointed out with following reasons for Chikmagalur
and Hasan districts.
1. Sudden reduction
in coffee yield due to loss of soil moisture, over atmospheric temperature,
un-seasonal rains and heavy wind
2. Increases
in incidence of pest and disease, especially WSB
3. Increases
in Irrigation, Fertiliser and Pesticide cost, especially on blossom and back
rain irrigation cost through sprinklers
4. Gradual fall
in quality of coffee bean due to development of pre-mature endo-carp and lack of
nutrient uptake by plants.
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