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Friday, November 10, 2017

Functions, Deficiencies and Solutions of Potassium (K)

Potassium (K) available to plants as the ion K+

Functions of K

  1. Unlike N and P, K does not form any vital organic compounds in the plant. However, the presence of K is vital for plant growth because K is known to be an enzyme activator that promotes metabolism.
  2. K assists in regulating the plant’s use of water by controlling the opening and closing of leaf stomates, where water is released to cool the plant.
  3. In photosynthesis, K has the role of maintaining the balance of electrical charges at the site of ATP production.
  4. K promotes the translocation of photosythates (sugars) for plant growth or storage in fruits or roots. • Through its role assisting ATP production, K is involved in protein synthesis.
  5. K has been shown to improve disease resistance in plants, improve the size of grains and seeds, and improve the quality of fruits and vegetables.
Deficiencies of K
  1. The most common symptom is chlorosis along the edges of leaves (leaf margin scorching). This occurs first in older leaves, because K is very mobile in the plant.
  2. Because K is needed in photosynthesis and the synthesis of proteins, plants lacking K will have slow and stunted growth.
  3. In some crops, stems are weak and lodging is common if K is deficient.
  4. The size of seeds and fruits and the quantity of their production is reduced
Solutions for K
  1. Apply required quantity of Manjastra (see my blog again for preparation of mangastra)
  2. Apply vermi-compost or any other fish meal and neem cake
  3. Enrich compost with Bassilus silicate bio-fertiliser 

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